General Dentistry - Treating Periodontal Disease

General Dentistry 

Periodontal Disease

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly half of adult Americans have periodontal disease. 

Common symptoms include bad breath, puffy bleeding gums, and bone loss. A build-up of plaque and tarter beneath the gums that isn't removed through regular dental cleanings can lead to recession and boneless. Periodontal Disease is your body's inflammatory reaction to the bacteria underneath your gums.

Bacteria can be spread through saliva so it is best not to drink after, share utensils with, or exchange saliva with an individual with periodontal disease.

Who needs a deep cleaning?

Just because you haven't been to the dentist in a while doesn't mean you need a deep cleaning or as we call it, Scaling and Root Planing. We will measure your gums in our located on Zebulon road in Macon, and look for active signs of the disease. If we find that you have periodontal disease, we will clean and smooth your teeth and its roots in an effort to get your gums to reattach and prevent further bone loss. We will then regularly maintain the space left between your teeth and gums until the 'pockets' close up and the disease is in a dormant stage periodically monitoring for possible flare-ups.

Once you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease, you no longer qualify for regular preventative dental cleanings. Regular dental visits will halt the progression of and possibly reverse some of the affects of the this disease.  Call Us Email Us
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